Saturday, July 31, 2010

Almost Slipped Away

Almost slipped away,
everything I worked for, slowly going away, and it would have if I hadn't snapped out of it,
Don't want to go back to the way I was,
I worked to hard to get where I am,
I cannot lose it now,
In a slump, or whatever you want to call it, but I am coming out of it, today,
I will not let it all slip away from me,
No I won't and I will not let anyone take it from me either,
This is my time, and my time to shine,
Time to love myself, time to love life, no matter what,
time to live my life the way I want and a way that makes me happy...

Striving For...

" Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

Something to live by, although hard, but possible,
something to strive for,
to live and let live,
let things happen and take chances when given the chance and accept it if it changes your life.

" Happy Moments, praise God
Difficult Moments, seek God
Quiet Moments, worship God
Painful Moments, trust God
Life  is a miracle wrapped in beauty,
filled w/ sweet surprises."

Monday, July 26, 2010

walkin and walkin without a destination...playing tourist

went downtown chicago today,
just walked and walked without having any destination,
taking a few pics here and there,
a perfect day to do just this,
glad i went, had a day of playing tourist,
a day for me, to relax and just go where i want, do what i want,
yea it would've been better with a friend, but i had a good time with just me,
i am happy with myself going places and not worrying about being lonely,
i am comfortable with myself when it comes to this...

Saturday, July 24, 2010


go to school,
enjoy it,
learn all you can,
it comes in handy, and it doesn't have to be boring,
you don't have to hate it, you can love it,
Reading, can take you away to another world,
teach you about the world, the people, it can be fun,
writing, a another way to espress yourself, to get your point accross,
learning, something we will never stop doing,
something we should not stop doing,
learning is fun,
learning is essential,
learning is gratifying...

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Doing for me,
going to school, putting school first and my career first,
I need to get serious about taking of me,
going full speed ahead with my school and career,
not let anything get in my way,
I am trying, but sometimes it feels like I'm not getting anywhere,
I know that I am though, I am making progress, it can't happen overnight,
I love me,
I know I am worth success,
I know I am worthy of love,
I deserve to be happy,
I know I have to love me before I love another,
I deserve to put me first!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We Are Born....

We are born,
We are children,
and if we are lucky we have a happy and easy childhood,
We go to school, graduate high school,
some go on to college, some work, some join the military,
either way we grow up and go on with our lives the best way we know how with what we learned,
Some get married, some do not for various reasons, whatever the reason is, hopefully those folks are happy
Sometimes it feels like some take happiness for granted, and some do not and find it right away,
but for those of us who are still looking, I think we were looking in the wrong places, it is within us, it has been there the whole time, we just didn't look there or we did not want to look there, but I think it is time we do, look within yourself, and you will find the happiness you want, you will also get to know that person better and maybe even love that person if you don't already,
After we live life,
then we die,
but do we really?
is there life after death?
Do we go home to our almighty father, and live the life we are supposed to be living?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Puerto Barrios, Gautamala

mission in Puerto Barrios, Gautamala with the Army National Guard...2010

my turn....

finally i dont have to work all that much these next 2 years, of course i am going to go for it,
worked all my life and hard if i may add, i think it's about time, that i take it easy from work and go to school full time, and that's what i am going to do, it is the right thing for me, and what i want to do,
makes me happy to be able to do school full time it's about time i get this chance,
i tired of struggling and taking longer to do everything then ebveryone else,
not going down that road anymore, it's my turn, to be happy,
now i just have to put this plan into action, easier said then done...

knocked down...

doing everything  i can to get my education paid for, so i can graduate within 2 years, and not have to work a whole lot, worked all my life, and worked hard if i might add, and still not getting anywhere, so i am trying a different apporach,
so watch out world here i am, you may think you can knock me down, so i will not get back up, but ya know, that i not going to happening, i am a fighter, i am a survivor, i may be knocked down, but not for long, i will get back up and i will fight to stay up....

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Good Day

A good day today, actually it's been a decent week, but today was a better day.
I felt happy with myself,
I was putting myself first, didn't worry about all the rest,
It felt good, now if I can just stay on this road,
the road of "me",
I'm still there for all the rest, but I cannot help them if I am not happy with me,
A good day,
let's hope it continues,
I could use a little goodness in my life,
I could use a little happiness within...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

going back and forth,
dont know what to do,
want to stay where i am,
but yet, want to move closer to school,
probably just wait one more year, then move closer to school,
i know its good for me financially,
but at the same time, want to stay where i am for now,
i like where i live,
i am happy here,
for once,
back and forth...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

the one

going thru this life,
don't really have a clue,
learning about our Father almighty,
learning that he is always there,
he always loves us,
he will never leave us,
even if we stray from him,
he will forgive us,
he knows,
he understands,
God, i love you,
the one i can always count on

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

walkin thru life

going thru life,
walking thru,
running thru,
sometimes it seems like it's going to fast and other times not so fast,
some days i feel like i will never get all that i want done before i die,
and some days i think i just might,
going thru this life,
a challenge it is,
scary it is,
painful it is,
but it doesn't always have to be like that,
at least thats what i am told,
i am told, if i am happy with myself and within,
everything will fall into place,
people tell me to think positive and everything will workout,
i try, and try,
but when i have a bad day, just seems like its just not worth it,
like its not going to get any easier,
i want things to go my way,
i want to be happy with life,
happy within,
i want to love,
i want to be loved,
i want to share life with someone,
is that to much to ask for?
is that wrong to want all that?
I want a "fearless love"...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Forth of July 2010

Happy Forth of July America!
I am proud to be able to be a part of this country,
I am proud to say that I serve my country,
I amdoing my part,
say a prayer for all who are away from home this forth of July,
remember all that have lost their lives for us,
I will remember all my fellow battles,
I will remember and say thanks to all before me that served and died for us....
God Bless The USA!!
One nation under God....


have to love me,
have to make me happy within,
i  kow this, and i am goin to do it!
Can't love anyone else truely, until i can love myself,
believe that i am worthy of love,
worthy of a good life,
believe i can do anything,
believe that i am smart,
might not be book smart, but im smart in other ways,
I am a good person,
i am a pretty good looking woman,
taking care of me,
going to school, got my first college degree, going for the next one,
i cna do it, i know, it will be hard but i can do it!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

slipping thru

Slipping thru the cracks,
slipped thru the cracks,
probably didn't intentionally,
but however, thats what i feel like,
felt like i was one of those who slipped on thru,
i'm not blaming anyone, it just happened,
it is what is, nothing i can do about what was,
all i can do is, try to correct what is now,
don't want any other to fall thru the cracks,
going to try to make a difference,
want to make a difference,
want to be an inspiration,
slipping thru,
a feeling of loneliness,
feel like an outsider looking in,
feelin' different,
knowin' i am different,
but it doesn't have to feel like that,
and it won't much longer...

all the time in the world...

i've come a long way in my life,
i know this, but sometimes,
i just don't think it all that much is very true,
sometimes i wish i have come farther then i have,
but i know in time i will have gone as far as i can,
and when i do i will know it,
we think we do not have much time,
but in reality we have all the time in the world,
just not here on this earth,
but we do have all the time in the world....
just want to have peace,
just want harmony,
just want to be loved,
want to love someone,
want to be happy,
be happy within,
love thyself,
love life,
why is this such a hard thing to achieve?