Tuesday, April 26, 2011

we are out here,
we want to be successful too,
some of us are just scared, too proud to ask for help,
but that doesn't mean we don't want it.
We feel alone,
although we are not alone,
we see things,
we saw things,
we hear things,
we heard things,
We are here,
We are growing,
yet we are going away too.
This Memorial Day,
remember a Veteran,
help a veteran.
studying, studying, writing papers,
finals, almost to the end....but not really....
it's only the beginning,
knowledge is power.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Plucking away....

She is not hopeless,
She is not helpless,
She is not dumb,
She is not stupid,
On the contrary she is intellegent,
She is sexy,
She is beautiful,
Although, she doesn't give herself the credit where it is due,
as others may,
She will however, smile on and keep plucking away at this thing we call life....

standing silent for now....

You can only help others so much before they shut you out,
they have to want the help, and to help themselves,
some do not think they need the help,
some do not know how and where to start,
and some are just here and there....

Therefore, she gives up on helping,
when they want her help she is there,
she will never leave their side, but she will stand silent,
until it is time to make some noise.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Finals Week...Patience with your college student...

Finals week is approaching, rather quickly,
the time when students are up all night in their apartments, dorm rooms,
and coffee shops, studying...
It's all good though, because in the end some will graduate and move on,
some will go home for the summer and get summer jobs await for the fall semester,
than there are the folks who are enrolling in summer classes, just because, they can...

Finals week is a pretty stressful time for students,
for the folks who are not and have not been a college student,
it is a pretty stressful time, at least for the ones who are serious about their studies.

Therefore, if you have a loved one in college, be patient with them during the week of finals
and even throughout their college time, support them in their decisons, concerns, don't push, pull, pry,
just be there and ready if needed.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

dreamin' the impossible dream...is it really impossible? I don't believe so, no matter how many folks tell you cannot do it! Finally realizing that I can do anything if I set my  mind to it and want it bad enough, it's such a powerful feeling. Feeling like nothing can get in your way, except for maybe time itself, but seriously time is not up to us in reality, yes we can take it into our own hands, but it's morally incorrect. Therefore, go for your dreams, no matter how small or large, even if they seem impossible; out of your reach. The ones who do not try are the ones who fail, the ones that try and keep trying succeed, even if you do not reach the goal completely.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ooohhh precious pain....
Sweet devil's got my soul.....

HE is

living for HIM,
that's all anyone should do,
we are everything to HIM,
nothing to anyone else in reality,
people say they care,
do they really?
not like HE does,
HE is the one who loves us,
the one who truely understands,
we are everything to HIM,
living life for HIM,
live as HE wants, not what another wants,
and all will be ok,
HE will provide,
HE does provide,
HE does not let down,
HE has a plan, nothing HE does, is meant to harm,
it is all a part the master plan

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

just not feeling it

just not really feeling this class anymore,
didn't really feel from the beginning,
even before I changed statuses,
But now I am really not feeling it,
I just don't care if I do well, I want to pass,
but don't care if it's with a "D".....

feeling helpless...

when u want to help, but cannot,
when there is really nothing that you can do,
except to just be there,
sorry my friend, that u have to go thru this,
just know u are not alone,
we will never give up on u,
u always have a friend here in me.

Monday, April 11, 2011

just a few little quotes

Discipline starts with the small things daily...

The secret behind most success stories...is discipline.

Every morning you choose your attitude for the day....
Twenty-four years later,
Hard to believe it's been that long,
Made me think, what would have been only if...
But than again there is a plan for all of us,
though we do not know what that plan is,
All we can do is just go along, listen follow HIS lead..
Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way,
let it be an opportunity for joy,
for when your faith is being tested,
your endurance has a chance to grow.
James 1:2-3 NLT

Sunday, April 10, 2011

She is standing up for herself,
the first time in a very long time if at all,
taking care of the things I need to first,
making sure I am happy, first and foremost...

No More....

Being taken for granted again,
But not taking it, standing up for myself,
some might not like it, others will be proud of me,
but most important is that I am doing it for me,
taking care of me, my own well-being,
because no one is going to do it for me,
God just gives me the tools to do so,
just have to use them now...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

went for a run today,
ran three miles,
it was awesome,
have to do it again tomorrow!
I need to do it,
not only stay physically fit, but also mentally fit....

Monday, April 4, 2011

first time in life,
don't have to work,
always had to work,
sometimes two jobs and sometimes three,
but now I do not have to,
it will feel odd,
but I shall get used to it

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why did I?
I said I didn't care,
but what I should have said was no, that I do mind,
Why do I do this to myself?
Oh well, to late now....
and besides it shouldn't bother me anyway,
and it really doesn't, at least not like ya'll think,
it bothers me in a irritable way, annoying way, invasion....
Someday I will learn...

A Little Haiku

love him, trust him,
the world is wide open

drinking a beer
unwinding from the day
next day, where am I?

Electric guitar
makin' some sweet music,
the moon is shinin from above in the night sky

Friday, April 1, 2011

Rest In Peace

My baby angeli....rest in peace angeli....along with Georgy, Demi, and Rascal....I love you all!!

No Quitter

frustrating as it may be, I will get it,
I will get my promotion,
I will not give up, although I'd love to,
but I cannot do that, I am not quitter, and besides God hasn't given up on me,
and He never will,
so why should I give up on myself,
so therefore, here I go again, try and try until I get and then keep going for the next one....