Friday, May 12, 2017

I'm Ready

I'm ready,
to live again,
I've been ready,
Life has been good,
it's been hard, but I survived;
I'm happy,
I'm doing well,
content with what I have, it doesn't mean I don't want more,
it just means I am content right now,
I could die happy right now;
Everything that has happened, happened for a reason,
in the time that it was supposed to happen,
it might not have been the time I would have chosen,
though it was the right time, I  suppose.
I am strong,
I am a survivor,
I do not like to quit,
this I do know;
learning to crawl, then walk, and then run,
it's all a process.
I'm ready to continue on this journey,
I am not alone.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


you're in my head,
always will,
I do not mind that you're in there,
in my head,
now and always
in my head.
I know you're there,
I can hear you,
I know you,
I can feel you,
I just can't see you,
help me remember;
is there a way?

Where did I put that?

Where did I put that?
I know it's here somewhere,
I must have just thrown it down, in a hurry;
forgetting where I put my keys,
forgetting where I put my glasses;
I will never forget that I love you, or that you love me,
I may not be able to express it any longer,
but only because i don't have the ability to;
therefore, don't  forget me,
don't forget that I love you.
I remember you today,
I may remember you tomorrow,
I may remember in a month,
I may forget at some moment in time,
when I do, if I do,
remember  I am still there, somewhere inside,
I just can't  me anymore,
I may need a little help,
don't let me stray,
if I have drifted back to the beginning,
let me drift, tho bring me back, until I won't  come back anymore...then
let me stay there, because I'll be going home soon from there...