Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Do You Mean?

what do you mean when you say " I can't" ?
do you really believe that you can't?
we all can, so it is time for to believe it.
what do you mean when you say you do not like such and such about yourself?
if you do not like something about you, then change it, I'm not saying it's going to be easy or will it happen over night, but we all can change if we truely want to.
what do you mean when you do that?

what you make of it...

life is good, it was you make of it,
live it like it may be your last,
love like you will not get hurt, for it is better to love than not at all,
lovers come and go all the time, if you find a love that stays til' the end, you are lucky, and it's meant to be,
be positive, with your life, your thoughts,
if you think and do positive, then everything will fall into place,
out with the negative and in with the positive...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We all forgive and accept

I hurt, you hurt, we all hurt,
at one time or another, but does that give us a right to be mean, hateful,
no I do not believe so, I understand there is a grieving process for everything,
but there is a limit for everything,
I realy do not believe that God would want us to be mean and hateful,
he forgives all, so why is it so hard for us?
Accepting, things, for what they are,
Accepting the things that we cannot change,
Changing the things we can,
Doing what is right for ourselves, even if others may get hurt,
it sucks, but God put us here to be happy,
to be happy with ourselves, to do whats right, for us, and we will know what is right,
He will provide us with a sign, to know if it is,
So, accept and live life, you will know what is wrong or what is right for youself,
even if others around you, do not believe as such,
you know in your gut, you just know,

Monday, September 27, 2010

doing the right thing for yourself, knowing others will be hurt, at your expense,
it really sucks, but i guess its something that has to be done, in order to be happy with ourselves,
need to take of ourselves, make sure we are happy, before trying to make someone else happy,
otherwise we will be the ones hurting and eventually hurting the other person as well,

for once in my life, i am happy with me,
i accept myself for who i am,
i am not perfect, no one is, except for God himself,
knowing what is right for me, whether others will be hurt at my expense,
and sometimes even others might not agree with what u r doing, but they have to let us live our own lives,
being a  good friend to someone, is being there for them, whenever they need a friend,
accepting them for who they are, and accepting their decisions, you dont have to like them, but you should accept them and stand by your friend,

life is full of surprises,
the best things are the things that just happen, when lest expect it,
sometimes, giving up on something will bring something back, it depends on the plan for your life,
life, just live it, enjoy it, go with it, as it comes...

We will prevail

she still has questions about life, God,but is starting to accept that things happen,
and sometimes we cannot do anything about it, to just let them be and happen,
sometimes that is the best thing to do, the right thing to do, even if it hurts like hell!
Life is hard, life is complicated, but we all are in it to together, we shall make it, we will prevail
to our own standards, not society's.
doing my homework, focusing on school...
yep this is the life,
the life of a college student, only working two days a week,
getting my life together, trying to make something of my life,
going to the gym and getting back into shape and eating healthy again,
it feels good, I feel good, taking care myself again, for awhile there I had gotten myself into a funk,
I was beginning to sink, into my old ways, but now I am resurfacing and focusing on me,
something I needed to do for a long time, but just never really did it, till now...
Life is good,
God is awesome!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


this is her focus,
this should be the one thing,
she is trying to focus on school,
learning about herself,
helping herself,
getting to know God,
thats all she needs to do,
and she is doing just that....

the poet, she is...

the poet,
she feels sad,
the poet,
she feels free,
the poet,
she wants to be free,
the poet,
she wants to find the one,
it's been to long without,
the poet,
she is tired,
the poet,
she is drained,
the poet,
she is loved,
the poet,
she is so worth it all,
she knows it,
just has to believe it all the time,
the poet,
she has to go now

In the mean time

in the mean time,
it will be myself and the Lord,
i know i am not alone,
i have the Lord by my side at all times,
so that helps,
in the mean time tho,
God is love,
God is great,
God loves us,
God is there,
God will never leave...

someone by my side

going thru this life,
dont really want to go it alone,
just keep lookin for " the one ",
can't seem to find them,
looking and looking,
i do however, feel like i am getting very close,
maybe some day soon, real soon i will know,
who that one is,
because i really don't want to go thru this life alone,
i want someone by my side,
just sometimes i feel like i'm not ready,
but that just might be because i havent found "the one"....yet....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thinking Positive

Thinking positive,
it's harder than it really is,
especially when it is a new concept to you,
Thinking positive,
something we all should be able to do,
it shouldn't even be a second thought,
but for some of us, we have to think to do it,
Thinking positive,
getting the negative thoughts out,
keeping them out,
not letting them in,
Once we have mastered this, then we will be fine,
it's just getting to that point,
it's a process, a long process,
Don't think positive, just do it.....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

how do you know?

how do you know someone is the right one?
there's been so many times I thought I had the right one,
turned out to be false,
Thought I was "in-love", but apparently I was not,
Is there an "in-love" or is it all just a hoax?
Do we, just love whoever comes into our lives, for however long they are supposed to be in our lives,
if they end up staying til' death do us part, than great, but if not and we move on,
to the next,
I am sure that there is "in-love",
I am sure there is "the one" for all,
I am sure I am just be cynical....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I feel like something's missing,
do not know what it is,
My mind is so loud,
so much going on in there,
I need it to be quiet,
I do not know how to quiet it,
I want to hear peaceful thoughts,
I want to her God's voice....

What makes you happy and content?

Someone just asked me what I want to be happy,
What will make me content in my life,
And I could not answer the question,
I thought I knew the answer, but I do not,
I feel like I am missing something,
I do not know what,
But I feel a void in my life,
I do not know what it is or what it means,
If it means anything,
So, I ask the question,
What makes you happy and content in your life?

I hate hurting you....

I hate hurting you,
I don't want to hurt you,
I love you,
I just need some time to figure out my life, and what I want,
I just need a break from love and relationships for a little while,
I hate thinking of not talking to you or coming to visit or vice versa,
I don't want to think of it has breaking up,
Altho, I know you think it is breaking up, it's just that I need some time, alone,
Please don't hate me,
Please understand, that it has nothing to do with you,
Please, know that I love you and I hate hurting you...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

twenty years

where do i want to be in twenty years?
who do i want to be with, what kind of person?
someome who i can connect with thru our hearts and souls,
i need to find this out,
focus on me,
i need to take a break from love for awhile,
need to focus on what i need to,
and where i want to be in the next twenty years,
how do i want to be living my life,
i need to stop the guilt feelings, of hurting others,
and accept that people are going to be hurt, but i need not to worry,
i need to realize that i come first and i need to be happy, and then others will be happy,
not the other way around

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

yes, you are right

letting me go,
letting you go,
yet we don't want to,
yes you are right,
i need to find me,
need love me,
cannot do it thru others,
but yes it has become habit,
how do i stop this habit?

I hope one day soon,
you and i can be friends like we once were,
you will always be my best friend,
you know me better than anyone, even myself,
even if we do not speak for awhile,
you will always remain my best friend,
you have a special place in my heart just yours,
i will always love you like no other,

I know you are right,
you are pretty much all the time,
i am stubborn, yes i know,
a downfall of mine,
i like to do things my way first,
and when i fall flat on my face i look to you and than listen to you.

Who can we really count on??

Who can we really count on in our lives?
Lovers they come and they go,
family even go eventually,
and friends don't even stick around,
I guess the only one I can count on,
is the one I cannot see,
the one and only,
Yes, I am speaking of God himself,
Yea, I have some really good friends,
but will they reall be there for the long haul?
I'm just asking.....

Monday, September 6, 2010

does anyone truely care?

does anyone truely care,
or is it all just a game?
is everyone just pretending,
have their own agenda?
sometimes i wonder,
i really do,
people tell me one thing,
and then do another,
i just don't know anymore,
so i ask again,
does anyone really care anymore,
truely care?

Sunday, September 5, 2010


questions about God,
questions about his plan for me,
don't know the answers to these questions,
questions of his plan for me,
are the things i do a part of the "big plan"?
i don't know...

I talk to God...

I talk to God,
and I know he hears me,
but sometimes i just dont hear him,
how can i hear him more frequently?
i want to know him better,
i know there is Gods great, he is love,
i have opened my heart to him,
i've let him in, asked for his help and guidance,
i have accepted him with open arms,
but yet at the same time still a little confused and have questions for him....

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Is everything we do in our lives, God's plan?
Does it lead up to something?
I just don't know, anymore....
I want to believe that all we do is God's plan,
or at least in his plans,
I just want some answers,
Is everything we do have a purpose, a reason,
or does it just happen and it is up to us to make the choices
in our lives?
To get better at something,
to be the best that we can be at it,
we need to keep doing it over and over...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Just Can't

Letting go,
Hard to do,
doesn't get any easier
as we get older,
some said it would
but it don't,
but it should,
Letting go,
it goes so slow
the process of letting go,
it really sucks,
Do not like letting go,
can't let go,
know that it's necessary,
but just can't,
no reason, just can't,
want to just say the hec with it all,
move on, and forget, but can't let go,
don't like saying can't, but in this instance,
there is no other,
there is no letting go,
no forgetting,
not or ever!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Storm

The rain,
The thunder,
The lightening,
outside now,
Listening to the rain come down,
how peaceful it sounds,
the flash of lightening,
lights up the sky,
I feel like sitting out on the deck,
with glass of wine in hand,
just listening,
just feeling,
the rain come down,
on me,

Then, you hear it,
the break in the air,
the thunder crashing through the skys above,
the heart jumps and skips a beat for a second,
then relaxes

The rain,
alone inside, listening to it...

I love you!

I love you,
you love me,
that will never change,
I am in love with you,
as you are with me,
I know why you are, why you have to let go,
I don't like it, and I really don't want it, but I understand,
I will never love a another like I love you,
I will never feel like I am with you again with another,
I can only hope our paths meet again, in this way again,
If we are meant to be one, then we will be one,
although we will always be one in my eyes,
I love you!

here i am....

here I am alone,
but yet not alone,
I have the Lord by me,
I hear you,
but yet there are times i can't hear you,
those, it seems like, are the times I feel alone the most,
I feel closer to you now a days, more than ever before,
but as you see, there are still days I feel alone,
what is that about?
why do I still feel alone?
I know all to well you are there,
beside me, you are holding onto me,
holding things together,

It will be alright,
I will be alright,
I am tough,
I am good,
I am worthy,
I am worthy of it all,
I believe,
I believe in me,
I know I can do it all, that I set out to do,

I'll be alright,
You are beside me,
yes, I will be alright

There once was a woman

There once was a woman,
who did not think very highly of herself,
She had been through so much in her life,
mainly with people "leaving" her,

There once was a woman,
who did for others,
and forgot about herself,

There once was a woman,
who forgot how to have fun,
forgot how to go out and meet friends,
then one day, it hit her,
like a ton of bricks,
wake up woman! You're letting life slip you by,

There once was a woman,
who was an amazing woman,
she never gave up on her goals,
no matter how long it took,
even though she got a bit frustrated,
but she wouldn't give up,
She, was always there for her friends and family,
put them before herself,

There once was a woman,
then she wasn't,
just like that,
in a blink