Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Past

the past,
does it ever go away?
no, it doesn't, it stays with us,
it is just our choice to live in the past or not,
we all have them,
we will never forget,
they are what shapes us into who we are,
we all enter one another's lives for a purpose,
God brings us together,
the past,
it is who we are,
it is what shapes us into what we will become....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


learn to be patient in times of tribulation,
God is patient with us, so we should be patient with him,
he doesn'g give us anything that we cannot handle, it is our choice to handle it or not,
rejoice in your hope, be patient in times of tribulation, remain in constant prayer...romans 12:12

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

" A LOT "

My history prof told us something one day in the beginning of the semester, and it has stuck w/me. I mean already knew this, but I just understand where he's coming from, afterall he is my age...
"a lot" thats two words, not one....just sayin'....for all you folks who do not make it two words or do not know that, but I hope you do, a lot! (that's two words....just sayin').

I love to Party too, but....

I love to party as the next person, but there comes a time,
to know when enough is enough,
Yea, I still party, but now just go out to be social,
I don't want to go to a "meat market",
just want to go out w/a few friends, not a lot,
not getting all loud, drunk, and stupid, falling down...


rushing around to get things done, why do we do this?
I know life can end in a heartbeat, but why hurry?
Just be happy in the moment, with what you got, but instead we
continue to moving foward and making plans,
it really doesn't matter, our plans, God has the plan,
it is just our job to follow  and try not to go astray...

Monday, March 21, 2011

just a little and a little of that... CRAZY....but it doesn't have to be that way....just sayin.....

Sittin' under a tree, with my guitar, strumming the strings, making sweet music....soon, very soon I can again...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

It Takes Two

a friend in need,
there to help,
they know it,
so when they are ready to accept the help,
and do the work,
they know where and how to find me,
it takes two

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Learned a few things about myself,
things I would like to change,
Now that I saw myself in a "mirror",
Now that I know why I am the way I am,
And now I shall change a few things...

Monday, March 14, 2011

One who is happy with self will go a long way,
it's just getting to where you are happy with self that is a long road...


The superficial, it's all nice and all,
but it all fades; then what do you have left?
The heart, mind and soul,
so instead of going for the superficial to begin with,
go for what's on the inside...


Not something to be feared,
nor sad about,
but joy for the one who has died,
for they are home now,
and we shall be there too,
when HE is ready for us.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


the bug:
it is black and flies,
soon bug, die that you will...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And More Haiku...

just enough to be annoying

a time for new beginnings,
getting stuck in the mud

more haiku

standing still
eerie sounds,
the toilet is alive...

the cat looking outside:
the fresh air blowing on its face,
geese making all kinds of ruckus...

laying all curled up on the futon,
running a muck, like she saw a ghost.

A dog person,
loves dogs,
but cats are cool too.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Diving into life
a pool of water...

No end in sight
the big, black open sky...

Monday, March 7, 2011


In the desert:
the wind is blowing,
sand in all the orifices.

The tall oak tree:
in the cemetery,
where all the dead are asleep.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Driving in her convertible,
down the highway,
it's a warm, sunny summer day,
She doesn't know where she's going, just driving down the highway,
she doesn't have to be anywhere, anytime,
Not looking behind her, just looking foward,
driving with the warm sun on her head

A Dark and Stormy Night

It's a Dark and stormy night, the skies are full of grief. All is quiet and eery with a slight breeze blowing the branches of the trees, making it sound like footsteps walking along the woodline... 

An Inspiration

Am I as wonderful as everyine says I am?
I seem to be a role model,
An inspiration to some,
I feel like I am and can be a inspiration to others,
I guess I am just not used to all this attention,
I don't know how to react to it,
I usually say thank you,
Yet most of the time I just smile,
An inspiration, a role model,
Sometimes it's a lot to live up too...


two weeks notice, sounds real good to me,
might just do it, just have to look into a few things,
need to make sure I can swing it,
I would love to give my notice, been there way to long,
it's time to leave, time to move onto better things,
need to get my act together,
don't know why I stayed there this long to begin with,
must have been crazy or in desperation, or both,
can't do it anymore, just can't, I am going to lose it if I am there much longer,
two weeks notice,
sounds real good to me...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Learning how to write for the first time,
Continuing to write,
Not wanting to stop,
A way to express ourselves without speaking,
A complex, but yet simple thing...
Letting go,
how does one let go?
do we really let go?
Moving on without,
why do we have to?
Is it right not to let go?

Is God Present?

When it feels like God isn't present,
but really he never went anywhere,
it was us that left,
it is our choice to go back to Him,
Our weaker times we seem to be closer,
although there are a few weak times we cannot feel His love
God Is present at all times, it is us that has to let Him be heard by our hearts...