Taking a job for less money and be happy, or take a job for more money and be miserable?
That is the question of the day in America. The sad fact is that the majority of people would pick the more money job to be miserable, just because they think they will have more money. What good is having more money if you are miserable? Usually with a job you hate, usually means you will not be happy with anything to enjoy life. Though on the other hand if you have a job you love, but make less money, you will enjoy life more and others will want to be around you. Yeah, you make less, and most of your paycheck goes to your bills, but oh well, life is too short not to do what you love and not to be happy.
I always though making more would make me happy cause I'd be out of debt, but thats not the case, I want to have a job that makes me feel good inside, even if I am making less. As it may, I took a pay cut recently, I loved what I did, just not the environment I was in; therefore, I changed environments and learned something else for awhile, taking a pay cut. Guess what, I'm happier. I will always have bills, and always have debt; therefore, no worries anymore, enjoying life and doing things I want to do. Having faith, and trust in God to have my back and handle things.