Wednesday, March 31, 2010

damn..not talkin to u for a day...wondering what ur doing and where u r...
have no right to feel like this...

so many options,
just don't know what to do,
decisions, boy do i not like them...

a nice day to be outside,
sitting by a lake, or on the deck,
listening to the tunes, people watching...

Spring has sprung

spring has sprung, finally!
hopefully here to stay now,
i like spring,
a new beginning for life,
the trees, plants, flowers blooming, waking up from a long cold winter,
spring is a fresh start,
to begin new things,
and it is green, warm, and inviting....
srping has sprung!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

IT's Available....

Well folks it is available! My 2nd book, the SandBox. The official release date is May 16th, but you can get it through my publisher's website on their online bookstore. At
It feels great to have another book of poetry published and this one might be my favorite so far out of the two, not sure tho; because they are two different ones.
anyway, I am feeling better about myself, and feeling that I can accomplish anything that I set out to do. Finishing my associates degree finally after five long years and now going to go for my BA degree and publishing my second book and just surviving all that I have been thru these last couple years.
Goodnight my friends and ya'll!

Sandbox, The

Sandbox, The

Saturday, March 27, 2010

hanging in the desert...2007-2008

how i love thee

oh how i love thee,
what do i do?
is it possible?
u mean more to me than u will ever know,
i love u more then u will ever feel,
sometimes i feel like there is no one but u,
then i remember, that is not true,
it breaks my heart, that it cannot be more then it was,
at least not now, i do not know what the future holds,
maybe it will be then, one will not know til' then,
oh how i love thee,
i love thee more than life itself,
and that my friend is straight from my heart....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Need versus Want....

What I want to do and what I need to do, are two different things,
they both would be good for me,
but the "need thing", would benefit myself and us more in the long run...
I know what I want to do, but I also know it's the heart speaking,
What I need to do is another part of my heart and also my mind,
apparently the need won, overrode the the want,
sometimes I just don't like the need, sometimes, I'd rather just go with the want, but
where would I be if I did that all the time?
Who knows....
Folow the God's word,
God's love, he will lead you in the direction you need to go in, and want to go in...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

doing what will make me happy!

rethinking life, again and again....
something that goes on and on, it isn't a bad thing,
trying to figure things out,
figure whats right for me,
school, work, love....
i might have be able to attend college FT and not really have to work,
that would be so sweet...i think i might look into can't hurt to look into it.

rethinking life,
rethinking things,
trying to figure it all out and whats important to me,
what is the right thing for me,
what will make ME HAPPY!

Discrimination...still going on...

Is the world any better since Vietnam?
apparently not! Military members are still being discriminated against for their military status.
a battle of mine has been discriminated against, for trying to buy a car. She was approved then she wasn't after a few, because of her miltary status....just because they cannot repo the car if deployed, and the interest will be lowered, etc.
This is not right, discrimination is against the law! After serving our country and losing fellow battles/friends while deployed, this is how we are thanked! Vietnam veterans were discriminated against and hated, because of that war, I thought we have evolved since then, but obivously I was wrong. There is still a lot of ignorance in this world and it has to stop!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

old friends...

hangin out with old friends,
haven't seen a few of them in a while,
nice to see them and that they are doin' so well,

met them at work,
partied with them after work quite a few times,
bitched with them about work,
no one like them,
work just isn't the same without them,
only a handful of us left,
seen so many come and go,
now it's my time to go, soon i hope...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hopeless Romantic

The hopeless romantic,
always trying to change the ways,
to make things better,happier for themselves and for others,
thinking and believing that life is grand, or at least it should be, but knows it's not,tries to make it grand anyway, for all...

the life of a poet is not a glamorous one, but they don't do it for the glamor or the money, for one there is no money to really be made, at least not enough, not unless you are someone like Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson...we do it for the enjoyment of it, release of our inner thoughts and beliefs, and just because we can. We are usually hopeless romantics and will always be, and for some we are loners at that...

Don't Worry....

don't worry about the little things...don't worry about money, food,or the latest technology. It will all be ok. Be happy with what you have, not what you wish you had.

Rethinking my life again....when will I ever stop rethinking it? Or is it something that is normal to do?

Friday, March 19, 2010

pulled in different directions...

sometimes i just feel like i am being pulled in different directions,
i can deal with most of the time, but every once in awhile, it just gets to me and i cannot take it,
just don't know what to do,
i do have anger in me, that just will not come out,
i have such a big heart, that it takes over and doesn't let the anger out,
i need to use my big heart on myself, which i am beginning to do, but i know i need to do more of it and all the time,
being pulled,
in different directions,
feel like a doll at times,
it's no ones' fault, but my own,
this time i am right in taking the blame...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Happy St. Patty's Day to all, even if we aren't Irish.
the passing of a pet,
it's like losing a family member,
pets are there for us all the time,
they do not judge us,
they love us unconditionally,
pets, they make us smile, even when we really don't feel like it,
pets, they are awesome....

some have the normal pets, such as dog or cat,

but others may have fish, hamsters, ferrets, lizards; birds and many other kinds,
whatever pet you have, it is part of the family,
makes you smile, makes you happy, keeps the stress down,

I personally have ferrets,
started out with five, down to one as of today,
it is hard, they are my babies,
but they are together again, playing all the time,
having the time of their lives, and with their maker...

rest in peace Rascal, Angeli, George, and Demi. I will always remember you and you will always be with me...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

a nice day today, worked out, did some cleaning,
took a nap, and listening to music, trying not to put the tv on,
just hanging out at home, relaxing and getting a little done here and there that needs to get to done, that I've been putting off.
probably do some reading later, but who knows, i could use another nap....its my day off, i can do whatever I want....and damn i am!

Monday, March 15, 2010

change, something that we all have to endure,
we may not like it, but it's something that we cannot get around,
there will always be change,
some good change and some not so good,
but whatever the change is, we shall learn from it, grow from it.

As you can see I changed my blog a bit, just thought it was time for a change,
something different, something I do have control over,
I have accepted the things I cannot change, or so I would like to think.

Goodnight all, sleep well....peace to all! Life in the '80s (9781424144563): Kristin N. Hurtig: Books Life in the '80s (9781424144563): Kristin N. Hurtig: Books

I am worthy...

finding myself,
on the way,
building a new life for myself,
doing what I want,
doing what makes me happy,
what a new concept for me, but I think, I like it,
it may seem selfish to some, but it really isn't,
someone once told me, that God didn't put us here to be unhappy
with ourselves, he did not want us to be selfish to others, but he wanted us to make sure we do for ourselves first and take care of ourselves,
to love ourselves, is to love others,
to do for ourselves, is to do for others,
and we will be happier in the long run with ourselves and life.

Holding onto myself,
not going to lose myself again, no that is not an option and will not happen, no matter what!
I am worthy,
worthy of happiness,
worthy of success,
worthy of love,
I am worth more then I gave myself credit for, and I know this now!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


times when things are going the way you want, then all of a sudden, things change,
sometimes the things are beyond our control, I've come to realize that,
there are somethings in this life that happen in our lives, that we cannot control,
even though we might think we can or should have been able to,
everything happens for a reason, we do not know the reasons, we are not supposed to,
There is a plan for all of us, whether you think so or not,
live and let live,
be happy with what you have,
enjoy the times you do have,
because it can be all taken away in a split second,
eventually we are all end up walking alone, back home to our Father.
So, instead of getting upset, angry, at things, embrace the happy memories and hold onto them,
no one can ever take them away from us,
life is way to short to be unhappy, live, love, and embrace life with open arms and heart!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

to be loved by others is great, but to be loved by God is awesome!
To know God is to love him, to trust him with your life, give him control-total control,
it is his plans for your life, not your plans that are really happening,
it may not seem like he listens to us, but he does,
he sends signs to us, it is up to us to see them and act upon them, accordingly,
God is the one who will never leave us alone,
he will not leave us stranded,
he will not give up on us,
he will always provide,
he will always love us!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

here i sit

here i sit....
thinking....something I do often, that is think....sometimes I think, I think to much, is that possible?
Why do I have to think so much? Why can't I just live, be happy? I do like that is, about time don't you I just need to let go of things. Why is it so hard to let go and to move on....always thinking about doing it, but never really completely, fully letting go...
so here i sit....thinking....until I cannot think anymore....for awhile at least...

Monday, March 8, 2010

worked tonight, after my long wknd at was a good night, not to bad.
came home and cleaned the ferret cage, drank a beer, getting ready to go to bed, have training tomorrow at the gym in the am...

Getting older,
needing eight hours of sleep,
cannot go on five hours anymore, like I used to,
getting older, this really stinks, but I guess we all are doing it,
older and wiser, stronger,
changing, learning new things about life and self,
getting older, I guess it can be a good thing...

Goodnight all and peace to ya'll!!

A Test

It's been awhile, about 2 weeks. I didn't have my computer for that was ok, i just took it as a test to see if I could go without it for that long, and I can. I knew I could. I pretty much found out that I don't need it, I just use it for research, when I am bored and to keep in touch with my friends.
Anyway, I am back and will continue to write on here for ya'll to read.
I had a long weekend, had my drill wknd and it was ok, long though, but they always are and always tired from it.
More later folks. Peace to you all!