Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm back in the U.S

Well, I have returned to the U.S.A safely and it is good to be home! It was a good trip and I had a good time, minus the bugs and mosquitos! I can handle the heat and humidty more then the was a good experience and I would do it again and would like to.

Didn't have my phone or the computer, yea we had access, but I chose not to use it, I decided to use the time for "me time", the two weeks I was gone...It was a good some thinkin done, I know what I should do and want to do, need to do for me and my I just have to put it into action.....

Caring for someone, and wanting to help someone, but can't help them, because they won't really help themselves, and/or don't know how....cannot help someone who doesn't want to be helped or won't help themselves...need to stand up and take care of yourself, and learn not to depend on others, it is a hard thing to do, but it can be done; trust me I know this....
Time to let go no matter how hard it is to watch them go down in a downward spiral.....all I can do is pray and let God do his thing, he has a plan for all of us, and I just hope he/she can help everyone in time....I hope they see the light and get well and be happy with who they are and able to take care of themselves and not worry about what others say or do, and just do for themselves, they need to put themselves first, no matter what the stakes are.

Peace to all, may you all have the faith to keep going on and on...remember its not our plans, its God's plan....we can make all the plans we want, but it won't do any good, if God doesn't like it, it will not happen....

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