At my wits end with my job. Started school, full time ans supposed to be working only 2 days a week, but they are jerking me around and they think don't realize it, oh i do and it's going to stop! My school is more important than this job! My life does not revolve around Pappas, I do have a life outside of it, and it is way more imporant!
Redefining my life, liking myself, making Me happy,
just taking care of me for change,
it's nice to be able to this,
not answering to anyone,
in a way I don't want to give this up and I won't have to with the right person in my life as my "partner", whoever that may be....just one day at a time, going with what is thrown at me each day,
trying not to live for the future, but at the same times still have it in sight...
I've changed, I am beginning to become a new person,
some might be proud of me, others may not like the new me,
but either way, I am supposed to be pleasing myself first, I cannot make others happy unless I am happy,
or so I am told,
I can and do make plans, but in the end the only plan that really counts is God's!
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