Monday, August 16, 2010

Your Wedding Day

Your Wedding Day

A time to remember, when you first met,

A time to remember, the first time you held hands,

A time to remember, that first kiss.

Your wedding day, a day to think of the days ahead,

Your wedding day, a day to reflect back on the beginning days,

Your wedding day, a day that is all your own,

Your wedding day, no one can take it away from you,

Your Wedding day, the day you will never forget.

The day when you have peace and love,

Knowing that you both are taking that next step, forward,

To give it a try, knowing it is a forever step, a giant leap,

One that you cannot give up, walk out when things get tough,

Knowing that you both will give it your all no matter what.

To have found someone to walk with through the rest of your lives with,

Oh, how that must feel like, to know you will never have to walk alone again,

To have found someone who accepts you, loves you, just the way you are,

To have found someone, share the burdens of life, so they do not seem like a burden.

For you both on your wedding day,

A day full of love, peace, and happiness for the rest of your lives together.

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