Monday, December 12, 2011

drifting, floating down the river

drifting, floating down the river,
holding onto only a mere branch from an oak tree.
Not really knowing where I am going,
I think I have a plan, but then again, I think I may not,
because it is believed that there is another plan for me.
drifting, floating down this river,
how do I know it is the right direction?
drifting, floating along this river,
full hope one day,
then full of dread the next day,
what is one to say?
I drift and float,
waiting, fighting,
struggling, sometimes winning,
sometimes losing,
but yet I am still staying afloat and drifting down the river.

1 comment:

  1. so instead of drifting, make the most of every Mr Holland's is what happens while you're busy making plans...Make every minute filled with JOY!!!
