Saturday, May 29, 2010

still, after all these years...

Getting to know you, finally after all these years,
I was mad at you for so long for taking the ones I love from me,
I just couldn't understand why or how you could do that,
I thought I was being punished, or that I wasn't worthy of having love or good in my life,
But then I got know you a few years back,
and found out you have always been there for me,
you never left, even when I thought you had,
you will always be there, you do love me and always will,
you forgive, you know the plan, you know what's best,
you are the almighty,
you are love,
I wish everyone could see the love you have for us,
I wish they could get to know you like I have and I'm not even close to being done
to getting to know better,
help me love you more,
show me how to get closer,
help me know you better,
thank you for being there, always, for never leaving my side
you are so beautiful, you are the light,
I will never be afraid again...

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