Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Another life taken from us

Another life taken from us,
though I did not know him personally,
My heart goes out to his family and friends.

I know there are no words that will
ease the pain,
I know it seems like there is no hope,
I know some of you may feel
like the pain will never end,
I will not lie to you,
the pain will always be there,
there will always be something to remind you...
a memory will pop into your head,
it will either make you smile or it will break you
either way, he is not gone from your heart,
he will always be smiling, laughing with you.

Yet another life as been taken from us,
we will bond together,
grieve for a bit,
celebrate his life as he would surely want,
remember him as he was while he is laughing
living life as he wanted.

The Lord,
he will guide you,
show you the light,
through this pain you are feeling,
let Him guide you,
give Him your heart, your hand,
He will never let go.

Monday, July 30, 2012

It's Hard to See...

It's hard to see what I am supposed to do,
where I am supposed to go.
I think and think,
I do and do...
I succeed for awhile,
then bam, I fall flat on my face...
It's hard to see what I am supposed to do,
It's hard to see where I am going at times,
only you Lord, can see,
Please, Lord, I am asking for help...again...
Lead the way, show me the way,
keep me on the road,
don't let me stray off into the wilderness,
I am getting tired of wandering off the road onto a beaten up path,
in the wilderness of this life I am living in.
I need and want to stay on the road, I don't mind the bumps and turns,
just as long as I stay on the road.

Oh Lord, what is wrong with me?

Is it me or am I just making more out of it than I need to?
Sometimes I think I want one thing, then it seems like it's not
Sometimes I think what I think I want,
isn't really what I want...
Seems like no one can please me, except for one, and I can't have them.
What is it with you and I? Am I supposed to be with you, even only part time?
I don't know, just haven't been in the mood, not even with myself,
then I get around you, and then I can't stop myself...you are the one...

I want to go home...yes I am scared...but I can't jsut up and leave...that isn't the responsible thing to do...
I want to do this and that...not just go home...can't make a decision...can't commit...
ahhh...uh...maybe that's it, I can't commit...at least not right now...

Oh Lord, what is wrong with me?
I can't even begin to explain what I am feeling now or any other time.
Oh Lord, please lead me back...
Oh Lord, what is going on with me?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Not Just Yet...

I want to go home,
I know it's the place where I want to be,
just need to take care of few things here first...
Not ready to go without...cannot let go...not just yet.
Will I ever let go?
I don't think I will...you think so though...
you know better than I...most of the time.
after all you should...you know me better than anyone...
even myself...that is why I cannot go now...
I love you too much so, I won't go...not just yet...anyway.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Where I Belong

I hear you.
I am listening, really I am.
But is it really the time?
I just can't help but feel like I need...
more time.
There is no doubt that is where I belong.
No doubt that I will be happiest there.
But here is where I am now...
Not ready to let here go...anywhere around here...anyone...
Just not ready.
I hear Him speaking.
I am listening.
I will keep it very close in mind.
I will return to where I belong...soon I will...
One Day At A Time.
Maybe now...maybe months from now...
Maybe years from now.
But just Know I will be back...
where I Belong.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Writing update...

I have been working on a short story all day off and on, not even half way done. However, I will not be discouraged, I will complete it and it will be a good read. I will post a draft when I am done.
No one ever said it was going to be easy, if it were, then everyone would be a writer. Stories are not like poetry, and poetry is not in high demand anymore, yet...though, ya'll just haven't read mine yet.
In the mean time, I bid ya'll goodnight. I am turning in now.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

An Update while in Camp Ripley, MN

Today, I am off from the DEFAC, the chow hall for all those civilians who do not know what "DEFAC" is. I went to the PX to get some water and stuff for lunches for the next few days. Started the third book of Fifty Shades series. Need to go do a workout today, been a few days. I am trying not to sleep all day, it is hard because I am tired. I am going to do some serious writing today and get something accomplished with that, need to work on and finish one of my short stories I had started. 

Listening to Adele 19 right now, I really like this CD. It is kind of bluesy/jazzy.
Ok, laters all, off to do some real writing.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Kissing your soft tender lips, our tongues entwined,
kissing you hard. Nibbling on your earlobe, kissing your neck,
sliding my tongue down your neck to your breast, tasting you.
You taste so good in my mouth, you are so wet inside.