Friday, September 28, 2012

Today, was a Good day

A good day today. Enjoyed the day, realxed a bit, played some games, and now doing some work. I just felt like I needed to recharge a bit, felt a bit grey inside. Needed to find the light. Questions, and more questions, do they ever stop? when will I stop asking the questions...and know the answers? Questioning, this and this the right thing to do, is she the right one too, should have been me instead... So many what if's... Can't live asking "What if?" Sometimes just have to go with it, even if you may think or even know it won't last forever, it's what haa to happen at that time and place, in the moment... Here and Now. Then and Now. Now and Tomorrow. All things we remember and then know, when the time is right. One day at a time. That is all any of us can do.

1 comment:

  1. If I had a dollar for everytime I came home and "realxed"
