Monday, August 30, 2010

Fitting in at 40

Fitting in at college at 40,
i didnt think i would, but i believe that i am,
i don't look 40, so that helps,
i can blend in with the rest of the students,
meeting some new people, possibly some new friends,
i could get used to the college life,
education is the way, knowledge is power,
there is no end in learning however,
life is a learning process,
there is always something to learn...

Here i Sit

here i sit, doing my homework,
sound like fun? could be, but not really,
but it will all be worthwhile in the end result,
so i guess for now, the next couple years, i'll be doing a lot of homework,

so here i sit, reading, not a good book, a textbook,
here i am writing a paper, not a poem, but a research paper,
here i am, a student in college, never saw this coming, but i am glad it came,

learn all that you can, enjoy learning,
live life, learn while you live,
here i sit...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

there once was a poet...

there once was a poet who loved to write,
she wrote whenever she could,
even if there was nothing to write about, she would write something,
she wrote to express herself, to share her experiences with others, and maybe help someone else
in their life,
there once lived a poet,
she started writing many years ago,
never thought she would see her stuff in print, nevermind her name,
she doesn't do it for the fame or the money, 'cause we all know
poets don't get rich,
there was a poet,
who wrote,
wrote well,
everyone enjoyed her poetry,
wanted her to write more and more,
read more and more of it,
then one day something happened....
and the poet and her poetry was gone...

feelin lost in life....

If you are feeling lost in your life, look to God, he has the answers and loves you, all of us,
he does not judge. Open your heart to him, ask for help, tell him that you cannot do it on your own anymore, that you need help, follow his lead, that will lead us to our future...

To Be Alone...

To be alone is a scary thing, altho we all think we have been alone at one time or another,
think about it, have you really been alone, with yourself, by yourself,
doing things that you really want to do, that make you truely happy, without worrying about disappointing others,
If you haven't really ever been alone with yourself, by yourself, I dare you to do so,
you might scare you,
you might like it and what you  find,
or you might find that it didn't really make a difference,
but I dare you to be alone with yourself for an extended amount of time, and see what you find out...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Peace Within.....

To find peace in youself, you need to be with yourself alone,
altho it may be hard for some, but if you truely want peace and
to love yourself, you need to be alone with yourself...

Friday, August 27, 2010


Time to put my words into action,
no more all talk and no action,
have to start doing what i say...
Words into action...


You know me better than anyone,
better than my own parents,
even better than I know myself at times,
that to me is kind of scary,
scary in the sense, what does it mean?
Why do you know me so well?

To think of you not in my life,
I cannot do, but I will do it for now,
I will look for ME, I will live life like
I have never before,
focusing on what I need to do, to finish school,
to find me and to enjoy me,

It is Time.....

taking some time out for me,
I guess I really do need to take some time, just for me, to be alone,
to live my life as I never before,
find ME, focus on school,
I was supposed to do this a long time ago, but never really did,
but now I know, I need to do this and now is the time!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 2010

killing time here in the library,
should be doing some reading, but don't feel like it right now,
i'll be here all day, so I got time,
i have time to read and go to the gym here,
killing time,
just something we all do,
nothing bad,
it's ok to kill time with meaningless things, just get the things that need to get done, done.

It's starting to cool down this week,
i wonder if it will continue,
is summer going to be over?
i like the fall, not to cold nor to hot, just right, comfortable to do anything and everything.

school, work, and working out, this will be my life for this semester,
nothing to exciting to ya'll, but to me it is,
means i am moving on with the next step in my life,
working on getting another thing accomplished in my life.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to school

Back to school I go, with a full load,
It's going to be tough, but I can do it,
I believe in myself, took me awhile to get to this point, but I am,
Going to try my damnedest to keep my 4.0,
It will be a challange for me, but I am up for the challenge
bring it on, I'm ready!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Accept who you were,
Accept who you are,
Dream who you want to be,
Be happy with your decision, if not then change,
But all in all accept yourself,
Be happy with who you are,
If you're not happy with who you were, that is ok,
 But accept it, and move on, so you can be happy with who you are,
Just be, who are, be who you want to be,
Be happy, just be.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Clean Slate

time to go back to school,
looking foward to it, going to be some changes when I go back,
I'm going to study hard and devote my time to my studies, I need to do real well,
I am tired of just average, now it is time to be above average,
I know I can do it, just going to take hard work and dedication and disclipine,
which I have, just got lost for a little while, but I think I found it again, and I am going to hold onto it,
playing my guitar again, been practicing everyday for hrs and I enjoy it very much,
I am determined to learn it this time, more so then before,
anyway, a new school year, it's like a a new beginning, a clean slate....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More time to be alone

need some time to think again, about what I want,
saw a movie, made me think a lot,
I wish I could just take a year off and go to a couple different countries, on my own,
but then again I really don't think I need to go to a different country, I can
find it here in my own, in my own home, I just need to figure it out,
need to my needs first before anyone else, if I need to be alone for awhile, then I have to,
and not worry about what others are going to say or feel like,
it's my happiness that is what at stake, not theirs,
I just don't feel strong enough at times to do this,
I've never had to be like this, to figure this crap out...

A Lasting Friendship

 Ours is a lasting friend ship,

How can I tell, you ask?

After all these years being apart and out of touch,

We found one another again, picked right up where we left off,

We accept one another’s differences,

We open our hearts and ears to one another,

We are there whenever one needs the other,

I always thought that we would have a lasting friendship,

But for awhile there, I wasn’t so sure, but I guess I was right,

We do have a lasting friendship,

Just goes to show, that true friends, stay friends,

True friendship can withstand anything, and the love in the friendship wins every time,

I am glad to say that you are my friend,

I am glad to say that we are friends for life.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Your Wedding Day

Your Wedding Day

A time to remember, when you first met,

A time to remember, the first time you held hands,

A time to remember, that first kiss.

Your wedding day, a day to think of the days ahead,

Your wedding day, a day to reflect back on the beginning days,

Your wedding day, a day that is all your own,

Your wedding day, no one can take it away from you,

Your Wedding day, the day you will never forget.

The day when you have peace and love,

Knowing that you both are taking that next step, forward,

To give it a try, knowing it is a forever step, a giant leap,

One that you cannot give up, walk out when things get tough,

Knowing that you both will give it your all no matter what.

To have found someone to walk with through the rest of your lives with,

Oh, how that must feel like, to know you will never have to walk alone again,

To have found someone who accepts you, loves you, just the way you are,

To have found someone, share the burdens of life, so they do not seem like a burden.

For you both on your wedding day,

A day full of love, peace, and happiness for the rest of your lives together.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

rough weekend

It was a rough and long weekend, but I made it.
It's just that sometimes I feel guilty, because he's not here and I am,
but I do know that it must have been his time,
God needed him back in his house,
I know that he is looking down on me, watching over me,
making sure I am ok, and that I am happy, and doing what I need to for me to be happy.

Hanging in there,
trying to be happy,
trying to survive like everyone else,
doing for me first, before others, this is hard to do for me, not used to this new concept....

Friday, August 6, 2010

It's your birthday!

It's your birthday tomorrow,
you would've been a few yrs older than I am now,
the pain isn't as bad, but it still stings a bit during your birthday,
this year is no exception, actually I have been thinking about you a bit more,
maybe because I am older, going through changes in my life, at a crossroad,

So here I am without my big bro,
but I know you are still with me, in my heart,
guiding me through my life, making sure I'm ok,

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday Bro!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Searching my soul,
At a crossroad in my life, or so it seems,
so here I sit on my deck,
having another beer,

Maybe one day I will settle down,
Maybe one day,
I will have it all, that I want, whatever that may be,
but until then, I will sit here on my deck,
having another beer,

What am I doing?
What am I waiting for?
Settling down,
is it really what it's all cracked up to be?

Love, why bother sometimes,
we are just going to end up alone anyway,
somehow, sometime, we will be alone,
then what will we do, where will we be then?

So until I figure out the answer,
I'll just sit here on my deck and have another beer...

Not a Morning Person Anymore

not a morning person anymore,
need that coffee when i get up,
need at least an hour to wake up along with the coffee,
just can't seem to wake up and go for run,
i'd love to go for run first thing in the morning,
it just seems to me that i am not a morning person anymore,
i keep trying to become one again, but it's not working...

so here i sit drinking my coffee, and writing,
watching rachel ray,
oh what a life,

life is good,
life can be good,
life is what we make of it...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The river in Chicago.
A place known to the world.

A day of just hanging out downtown for a day, walking and taking a few pictures.
Had a pretty good day..might just have to do it again.