Saturday, October 27, 2012

The House on the Corner

The House on the Corner

There he was standing on the sidewalk, looking at the house that stood at the corner of Main and Creepers Streets. No one has stepped foot in the yard of this house, it just looks haunted and all the rumors say it is. Except this one overcast afternoon Jake was dared to go through the front gate of the house. Jake is petrafied; however, he cannot and will not let his buddies see his fright.
As Jake stands in front of the house on the sidewalk, his buddies are across the street watching Jake, Hootin' and Hollorin' at Jake to get moving into the yard of the house. No one knows what will happen, they can only guess and remember the stories that have been told of what happens when anyone crosses the threshold of the house's property.
Jake begins to walk foward finally, approaches the gate and opens it, slowly walks into the overgrown yard. As Jake continues walking up the what would have been the walkway to the porch, his buddies have grown silent and fright have replaced their antagonizing on their faces. They watch Jake walk up onto the porch, as nothing happens to Jake, or at least nothing that is visible. Jake leaves the house and walks out the gate back to his buddies. One of his buddies, Scottie, says to Jake, "You look different, I don't know how, nor can I explain, but you look different, you seem different." Jake replies with a light, hesitant, raspy voice, "I'm fine, I feel fine."

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