Sunday, September 30, 2012

A poem by Langston Hughes "The Weary Blues"

Droning a drowsy syncopated tune, Rocking back and forth to a mellow croon,I heard a Negro play. Down on Lenox Avenue the other night By the pale dull pallor of an old gas lightHe did a lazy sway . . .He did a lazy sway . . . To the tune o' those Weary Blues. With his ebony hands on each ivory key He made that poor piano moan with melody.O Blues! Swaying to and fro on his rickety stool He played that sad raggy tune like a musical fool.Sweet Blues! Coming from a black man's soul.O Blues! In a deep song voice with a melancholy tone I heard that Negro sing, that old piano moan--"Ain't got nobody in all this world,Ain't got nobody but ma self.I's gwine to quit ma frownin'And put ma troubles on the shelf."Thump, thump, thump, went his foot on the floor. He played a few chords then he sang some more--"I got the Weary BluesAnd I can't be satisfied.Got the Weary BluesAnd can't be satisfied--I ain't happy no mo'And I wish that I had died." And far into the night he crooned that tune. The stars went out and so did the moon. The singer stopped playing and went to bed While the Weary Blues echoed through his head. He slept like a rock or a man that's dead.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

HardCore Country Girl

She is a hardcore country girl, who loves to party, living in the city, trying to fit in. She does pretty well for the most part, but she has her days, she sits in her loft apartment blaring her country music, drinking beer wishing she was back home in the country at the local country bar, shooting some pool, hanging out having a good ol' time.

Freelancers Union Member Badge

Waiting Game

The Waiting Game: Here I sit, as I wait and wait, working while I wait, time creeps by, each day as I wait, as I wait to start the part of my journey, The waiting game...I know it all too well, waited all my life for things, I joined the United States Army, where the waiting game comes natural, it's all good though, good things come to those who wait. Therefore, here I sit and wait...
"Locking" myself in my office, turned on the CD player- Melissa Etheridge's "4th Steet Feeling", turned on the computer and getting to work. Going to work on the revision of third poetry book, and get that done, it's been way too long, too much procrastinating...have to stop with that. Have to defeat the agony of defeat, overcome defeat and be a winner, be on top, instead of always on the bottom. Saying good-bye, bye-bye to the old me, weak me, greeting the new excited, motivated, strong me with wide open arms. signing off for now, will be back later with an update on the book. Have a great day everyone! Remember be strong, say yes to "you", stand up for "you".

Friday, September 28, 2012

Poetry Lives

Writing poetry for me is like breathing for humans. It's a must that I have to do, it helps to keep me bablanced, a way for me to communicate emotions, a way to share with the outside world. Writing is a form of therapy for me, a way for me to get close to the inner "me," to learn who I am, what my wants and don't wants are. Writing poetry is not only an art, a literary form, but a way to express ones' emotions. Poetry is not what it used to be a thousand years ago, with all the "old English" and hard to understand what it means. Poetry has grown to new levels, forms, written by all different folks. Poetry Lives On!

Today, was a Good day

A good day today. Enjoyed the day, realxed a bit, played some games, and now doing some work. I just felt like I needed to recharge a bit, felt a bit grey inside. Needed to find the light. Questions, and more questions, do they ever stop? when will I stop asking the questions...and know the answers? Questioning, this and this the right thing to do, is she the right one too, should have been me instead... So many what if's... Can't live asking "What if?" Sometimes just have to go with it, even if you may think or even know it won't last forever, it's what haa to happen at that time and place, in the moment... Here and Now. Then and Now. Now and Tomorrow. All things we remember and then know, when the time is right. One day at a time. That is all any of us can do.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What a day, a past couple weeks....

What a day, what a past couple weeks... thinking about my mom a lot this past couple weeks, cannot believe it's going to be a year in November. Still feels so new, the pain of losing you, mom; it's still so fresh inside my heart, everytime I think of you, look at your picture, I just want to break down and cry. I wish there were phones there in Heaven, so I can call you every once in awhile, especially when I have a troubled heart, troubled mind, or just want to talk to my mommy. I find myself getting a little envious of others whose mothers' are still alive and older than you because it's jsut not fair. You should have had more time; I always thought you would live forever, at least out live me. I never wanted to be left here without you.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

this and that

alone time, it's not all that bad. Being alone is a time to get to know who you are, do the things you like and want, and to learn to love yourself if you have troule doing so already. Treasure the time u get alone with yourself, enjoy the silence once in awhile, to hear yourself think, to hear your heart speaking to you. feel like a caged bird at times, set me free, let me spread my wings, to fly free, soaring in the sky, through the puffy clouds, free to fly, free to live,spread those wings. making the best decision for self, knowing what to do, yet still the hardest choice. make the choice, go for it, try it...

Friday, September 21, 2012

I Feel do you!

You are my soulmate, I believe that now, I know you are, I can feel it in my heart! I know you know it too! We belong together- we are so alike in so many ways- When we make love it's magic, we become one.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Looking out the window

looking out the window, the sun is still shining. what a beautiful day today was, not too hot, just right, I like this weather, in between too hot and too cold. thinking I will move somewhere warm all year round, getting to that age...don't want to deal with the frozen temperatures; it's nice to visit, but I think I will pass on the full-time living. Know I will go, just have to set the date, it just depends on few details, otherwise I think I would be there now. A fresh start with my life, a well needed start, no time like the present. Yea, people will be sad to see me go, but they understand, they just want to see me happy for once, something that I haven't been in a long time. Happiness and contentment, two things I really do not know, very well...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What if I met my soulmate already and I didn't even know it? Or what if I can't be with my soulmate even though we know it's right? A journey that I must take on my own, in order to find love with someone else, I need to love myself and be content with myself.

Dorks Rule

Hello this is from my kindle.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Girl on the Train

the girl on the train,
she rides the train to work and back home everyday;
she travels with all kinds of differeent folks.
Some like her, some older or even younger,
some are even appear a little odd, but aren't we all a little odd?
Everyday, she rides the train,
some folks are the same as the day before,
so she tries to make conversation with a couple,
although, not many seem the conversational type,
so she mostly puts on her headphones and listens to her music,
tries to picture what kind of lives each person live, just to kill the time.
The girl on the train,
riding to work and back home everyday,
wondering is this all there is?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Exciting rather than scary

think of it has exciting, rather than scary,
think of it has an adventure, rather than scary,
don't be afraid, it will be ok,
take that leap of faith,
if not than there will be regrets.

letting go, moving forward, moving on,
exciting it is, yet scary at the same moment,
but only a moment does the scareness lasts.

cannot move forward if stuck in the past,
let go of the negative in your life,
embrace all of the positive,
live life like it's your last day.

not everyone will leave your life, just because
your moving on, some will always remain in your life,
those are the ones that ar supposed to stick around,
others may be out of your life after a little time passes.

Friday, September 7, 2012

With What is on my Back

Living with what is just in my ruck,
no extras, just what I can carry on my back.
The Adventure of a lifetime,
looking foward to it.

Takng the ruck,
hitting the road,
across the country,
with just whatever I have on my back-

Sounds a little nuts, I know,
yet at the same time,
you have to admit it sounds a little exciting.

Living out off the land,
living with what is in my ruck,
living with little as possible,
learning that I do not need all that stuff!
Extra stuff,
that is collected,
then stored away,
never to be seen again,
for years and years...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pondering and More Pondering...

Taking care of me for once,
it is okay to do so, or so I am told.
Letting go of the past,
accepting that I cannot change the past,
moving foward, rather than stand still.

Doing what is best for me,
putting ME before others,
a aspect that is so unfamiliar to me;
however, I am willing to take that risk...finally.

Sometimes, WE just have to jump in...feet first and test the water later,
to make the decision,
just do it.
Pondering and pondering over the idea...only leads to more doubts, and the "What If 's...."

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Had A Plan...

had a plan...
was following that plan,
then one day it all went awry.
Now, I am at a loss, once again...
trying to find that path that I was once on.
I know though that we do not make the plans
to our lives, God has the blueprints already made out,
he gives us the road map,
it is up to us to follow it, and do our best not to get lost.

As I sit here at a table, in having coffee and breakfast,
away from my home, yet at home here,
I think of my next phase in this life.
Where I should be, where I want to be...
I know what I want to do, and what I should do,
yet having such a hard time doing it.
Do not want to hurt anyone nor leave anyone behind,
but I also know that everything happens for a reason and  everyone enters our lives for a purpose.

We may need relationships in our lives,
We may want them to last forever,
but the truth is, they do not last forever.
Our relationships come and go one way or another,
and we end up alone again, then for a short time, we are united with another.